Xronos Clock Kit v2.1

Product ID: 1718


Xronos (from greek Χρόνος [kronos] which means Time) Clock is not your average alarm clock. It’s an open source, hackable and customizable device. It has a stylish look, is hand made, and it talks!

Xronos has an internal backup battery that will allow it to keep time if you forget to plug in. All settings are saved to flash memory (EEPROM), so you don’t have to worry about power loss and all your alarm settings and preferences will be there when the power comes back on! Since all audio files are kept on SD card inside, you can even change alarm tones, or replace voice prompts with your own (though only ones that follow Xronos' naming convention).

Xronos has three cool looking durable arcade buttons that give you simple access to all of its features!

Xronos Clock Features:

  • Dual Custom Alarms with 10 Alarm tones such as melodies or special effects like trains, thunder or police sirens.
  • Change display color to Green, RED or Orange.
  • Adjustable display brightness
  • 12 or 24 hour mode
  • Celsius or Fahrenheit selection for temperature sensor
  • Ambient light sensor automatically adjusts display brightness
  • Easy access to micro SD card, backup batter and FTDI


Xronos Clock Kit v2.1 (4:13)

Technical Details

BrainsATMega644p Microcontroller @ 16Mhz (or ATmega1284p for V2 w/ radio)
Storage256MB microSD Card
Audio22Khz 16-bit Mono uncompressed WAV
Display32×16 Red/Green LED matrix (capable of producing 3 colors: RED, GREEN and Orange)
Buttons3x 24mm Arcade
Time ChipDS1307 based RTC w/ LIR2032 battery
Temperature sensorDigital DS18B20 (-55°C to +125°C)
RF TransieverRFM12B (915 Mhz or 434 Mhz) only available in V2 as option
USB Programmingw/ optional FTDI adapter/cable (not included)
Power Supply6-12 VDC (positive tip)
Power usage1-3Watt (aprox., depends on Color and Brightness)
Dimentions7.5″ x 4.75″ x 3.75″ (aprox)
Weight1 lb 8 1/4 oz (687g) w/o external Power supply

Click here for Xronos 2.1 Schematic and board files!


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