GEMMA Talking Toy Guts Sound Pack

Product ID: 1759
Qty Discount
1-9 $19.95
10-99 $17.96


Mod your stuffed toy to chirp, meow, or woof! This GEMMA parts pack makes it easy to add simple sounds to any plush toy, and especially the Sew-Your-Own Owl Kit (not included!) A tilt ball switch is used to trigger GEMMA to play a sound of your choosing (or write your own) through a small speaker, amplified by a transistor.
This product includes:

This kit does not come with the plushie owl! We have a seperate kit just for that item, see below or use a stuffed toy you have around the house! You'll also need a MicroB USB cable, which you also likely have, or you can pick one up here. Some soldering is required, but its a fun weekend project and a good way to learn about basic electronic assembly. Check out the Tutorial to learn how!

Technical Details

Learn how to use this product with the Plush Owl Toy!

Revision History:

  • As of January 27, 2023 – This kit now contains the revised Adafruit Micro Lipo - USB Lilon/LiPoly charger - v2 . The PCB now has a sliding switch to change charging rate from 100mA to 500mA without soldering closed a jumper. JST PH connector may be tan or black.


Introducing Adafruit's mini wearable microcontroller
Make any toy make simple sound!
Calibrate sensors on GEMMA and Trinket!
feel the passage of time