ScoutMakes Robot Kit

Product ID: 4967


Robotics and industrial automation are everywhere these days. Robots help build, package, and ship everything from your breakfast cereal to your car. With that in mind, we designed the ScoutMakes Robot kit to help those with an interest in robotics learn the basics. With it, you will create a simple, wheeled robot while developing a familiarity with concepts like mechanical assembly and motor control. This kit also includes a piezoelectric buzzer and NeoPixels that allow your robot to play sounds and glow while it’s moving around.

And, thanks to the included Azul board, you’ll be able to send instructions to your robot, over BLE, from an app on your iOS or Android device. To control it, you can simply tilt your device in the direction of travel.

Robot Kit Features & Specifications

  • Quick and easy assembly (includes an assembly guide and all necessary mechanical hardware)
  • Controllable over BLE using an iOS or Android app
  • A piezoelectric speaker allows your robot to make sounds
  • Powered by the LiPo battery in the Azul board
  • Four NeoPixels on the robot board provide illumination
  • Modify the source files for the robot chassis and 3D print your own designs
  • Quality N20 motors with metal gearboxes and rubber tires

Technical Details

Azul Features & Specifications

  • Powered by an ARM Cortex M4F (with hardware floating point acceleration) running at 64 MHz
  • 1 MB flash and 256 KB SRAM
  • Native open source USB stack, pre-programmed with UF2 bootloader
  • BLE-compatible 2.4 GHz radio
  • Up to +8 dBm output power
  • Built-in 128 x 32 pixel OLED display
  • NeoPixel LED
  • USB type-C connector
  • Built-in battery charger and 100 mAh LiPo battery
  • 1.7 to 3.3 V operation with internal linear and DC/DC voltage regulators
  • 21 GPIO, six 12-bit ADC pins, and up to 12 PWM outputs (three PWM modules with four outputs each)
  • A red LED for general-purpose blinking (pin #3) and a NeoPixel for multi-color visual feedback
  • A power switch
  • A reset button
  • Four mounting holes
  • Works out of the box with FeatherWing add-on boards


The ScoutMakes Robot kit is an open source, bluetooth controlled robot kit that allows you to learn about the basics of robotics. The kit comes with all the parts necessary to assemble this fantastic little robot friend.

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