Breakout Boards / Clocks

Adafruit PiRTC - PCF8523 Real Time Clock for Raspberry Pi

Product ID: 3386
In stock

Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC Breakout

Product ID: 3013
In stock

Adafruit Si5351A Clock Generator Breakout Board - 8KHz to 160MHz

Product ID: 2045
In stock

Adafruit PiRTC - Precise DS3231 Real Time Clock for Raspberry Pi

Product ID: 4282
In stock

Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC - STEMMA QT

Product ID: 5188
In stock

Adafruit DS1307 Real Time Clock Assembled Breakout Board

Product ID: 3296
In stock

Adafruit PCF8523 Real Time Clock Breakout Board - STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Product ID: 5189
In stock

Adafruit PCF8523 Real Time Clock Assembled Breakout Board

Product ID: 3295
In stock

Adafruit Si5351A Clock Generator with STEMMA QT - 8KHz to 160MHz

Product ID: 5640
In stock

Witty Pi 4 HAT - RTC & Power Management for Raspberry Pi

Product ID: 5704
39 in stock

Witty Pi 4 Mini - RTC & Power Management for Raspberry Pi

Product ID: 5038
83 in stock

ChronoDot - Ultra-precise Real Time Clock - v3

Product ID: 255

Witty Pi 4 L3V7 - RTC & Power Management for Raspberry Pi

Product ID: 5705

DS1307 Real Time Clock breakout board kit

Product ID: 264