Assembled Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi with Stacking Headers

Product ID: 3044
$39.95 $9.95
In stock

2.4GHz Mini Flexible WiFi Antenna with uFL Connector - 100mm

Product ID: 2308
In stock

Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout

Product ID: 2471
In stock

2.4GHz Dipole Swivel Antenna with RP-SMA - 2dBi

Product ID: 944
92 in stock

Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Breakout Board

Product ID: 4172
In stock

Adafruit AirLift FeatherWing – ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor

Product ID: 4264
In stock

Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi with uFL - ATSAMD21 + ATWINC1500

Product ID: 3061
In stock

2.4GHz Dipole Swivel Antenna with RP-SMA - 5dBi

Product ID: 945
93 in stock

Adafruit AirLift – ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor Breakout Board

Product ID: 4201
In stock

Adafruit ATWINC1500 WiFi Breakout

Product ID: 2999
In stock

Adafruit AirLift Bitsy Add-On – ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor

Product ID: 4363
In stock

Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi - ATSAMD21 + ATWINC1500

Product ID: 3010
In stock

Adafruit AirLift Shield - ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor

Product ID: 4285
10 in stock

Adafruit ATWINC1500 WiFi Breakout with uFL Connector - fw 19.4.4

Product ID: 3060
In stock

ESP32-S2 Saola 1R Dev Kit featuring ESP32-S2 WROVER

Product ID: 4693
51 in stock

Adafruit WINC1500 WiFi Shield with PCB Antenna

Product ID: 3653
36 in stock

Adafruit WINC1500 WiFi Shield with uFL Connector

Product ID: 3654
In stock

Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi - with or without Headers

Product ID: 4083

Espressif ESP32 WROVER KIT - E

Product ID: 3384

ESP8266 WiFi Module

Product ID: 2282

Particle Photon without Headers

Product ID: 2722

Particle Electron Cellular IoT Kit - 2G Global

Product ID: 3233

Particle Sensor Kit 3G - Americas/Aus

Product ID: 3457

Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Breakout with uFL Connector for Ext Antenna - v1.1

Product ID: 1510

Particle Photon Starter Kit

Product ID: 2723

Particle Electron Cellular IoT Kit - 3G Americas/Aus

Product ID: 3234

Expansion Board 3.1 for WiPy IoT Development Platform

Product ID: 2960

Arduino WiFi Shield 101

Product ID: 2891

Adafruit HUZZAH CC3000 WiFi Shield with Onboard Antenna

Product ID: 1491

Particle Asset Tracker – 2G

Product ID: 3450

Particle Argon Kit - nRF52840 with BLE and WiFi

Product ID: 3993

Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Shield with uFL Connector for Ext Antenna

Product ID: 1534

Particle Asset Tracker – 3G Americas/Aus

Product ID: 3451

Particle Xenon Kit - nRF52840 with BLE and Mesh

Product ID: 3995

Particle Asset Tracker – 3G Eur/Afr/Asia

Product ID: 3452

Particle Argon - nRF52840 with Mesh and WiFi

Product ID: 3997

Particle Electron Cellular IoT Kit - 3G Eur/Afr/Asia

Product ID: 3453

Particle Boron LTE - nRF52840 with Mesh and LTE Cellular Modem

Product ID: 3998

Particle Photon with Headers

Product ID: 2721

Particle Sensor Kit 3G – Eur/Afr/Asia

Product ID: 3454

Particle Xenon - nRF52840 with BLE and Mesh

Product ID: 3999

Adafruit HUZZAH CC3000 WiFi Breakout with Onboard Antenna - v1.1

Product ID: 1469