Distributors and Hackerspaces Sign Up Form

Become a Reseller!

* Required information

Please review our distributor section here. Please make sure you have an adafruit.com account before contacting us.

Adafruit is currently seeking distributors with active online stores selling products similar to ours - DIY electronics and educational electronics kits. Please only submit this form if your online store is active and shipping orders to customers.

Can you place orders $500 and over each time?
Can you pay via
For international orders, can you pay via wire transfer?
If you are applying to become a distributor, can you meet the annual target of $10,000 or more?
If you are applying to become a distributor, can you order at least once a quarter or 4 times a year?
If you are applying to become a hackerspace/makerspace, can you send photographs of your location/space?
Do you have a UPS account (not required, but helpful)